Yang Ming High School- Taiwan

These are the clothes that we will wear the whole year at Yangming.
First, we are going to introduce the uniforms that girls wear in summer. As you can see in the picture, there is a model standing in front of everybody. A green shirt and a green plaid skirt. Next, are the uniforms boys wear in summer. The shirt is the same as the girls but in different color. For boys, they wear shorts and a belt.
Now, for the winter uniforms. There are two forms of winter uniforms for girls. The first type is very special, and we can’t buy this skirt now. The skirt that you see is part made of wool, and it’s very warm. The color of long sleeves in winter are yellow, and with big silver buttons on it. The second type is the common one that you can see everywhere in school when it’s winter. The shirt is the same, but the skirt changes into the long pants. And for boys, the winter uniforms are almost the same as the summer uniforms, but with the longer sleeves and pants.
         The difference between winter sports uniforms and summer sports uniforms is easy to notice. One keeps you warmer, and one keeps you cooler! Isn’t that simple?
        The last is jacket. We have two kinds of jackets. The first one is for sports. It’s very comfortable. The boy’s is the blue one and the green one is for girl. Next, we have the uniform’s jacket. We only have the girls uniform picture, but it is easy to see that there will be a exact same jacket but in different color for boys.

Location and surroundings from Silvana Carnicero

 Some extra activities


National Anthem



National anthem and school song (andrea) from Silvana Carnicero

Students sing their National Anthem for their global partners:

Our timetable

Camping 2016

Celebrating our school birthday with music

Celebrating our school birthday with sports

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